Software Engineering
How to Hire Software Engineers for Your Startup
Software engineers are the backbone of innovation. Whether you’re building the next big app or developing a groundbreaking platform, having the right team of engineers is crucial for your startup’s success. Key Data and Insights Here are some software engineering stats according to Kinsta. The demand for software engineers has experienced a significant increase, having…
Read More5 Reasons Remote Software Engineering Jobs Are Here to Stay
Why would anyone want to go back into the office? Who is missing rush hour traffic? Well, to put it simply… many old-school managers don’t know how to micromanage everyone through zoom. Which is why some companies are requiring engineers to come back into the office. Developers, on the other hand, want to work from…
Read MoreDevOps vs SRE – What’s The Difference and Why Does It Matter
Generally, to complete a task, you need to know what needs to be done, and also how it has to be done. But which is more important? It’s a bit like that age-old question – “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” There’s an equal and opposite argument for both options, and each option…
Read MoreCNCF and 5 Things You Need To Know About It
Ladies and gentlemen – start your engines! Just like the world of car racing has everchanging requirements, and requires innovative solutions, so does software design and app development. The need to be the fastest is something common amongst the two – so Cloud Native Computing Foundation, or CNCF, could be the tune up your open-source…
Read MoreWhy CircleCI Is Best For Continuous Integration And Delivery
Say you have a production line making cars in a factory. Which would you prefer – the machine that makes a part well enough to get the job done while requiring little to no maintenance, or the machine that makes a perfect part every time, but needs way more tender loving care? This is the…
Read MoreWhat is NoSQL: The 4 Best NoSQL Databases Explained
If you’ve ever studied Hamlet in high school, you might be familiar with his famous monologue; “To SQL, or NoSQL? That is the query. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous tables, or to take arms against a sea of unstructured data, and, by using structured schema, define…
Read More5 Pros And Cons Of Apollo GraphQL And Why REST is Old News
Do you have a sweet tooth? A bakery analogy is what’s kneaded this week for this talk to rise to its potential. Apollo GraphQL VS REST – it’s time to kill 2 birds with one scone and see which language is the thorough-bread you knead to get on board with – no more loafing around……
Read MoreComputer Science vs Dev Bootcamp: Which One Should You Choose?
When you boil it down to its very essence, computer science is just a hot mess of dichotomy and choice – is the state a 1, or is it a 0? On, or off? Up, or down? This is binary code 101, opposite ends of a spectrum that has no middle. Just like the systems…
Read MoreDistributed Systems Explained In 10 Minutes
Why put all your eggs in one basket? That’s the philosophy behind a computing concept known as distributed systems. But it’s definitely not that simple. Getting a solid grasp of distributed systems architecture can take a while, fortunately we’re here to help you learn the basics in just 10 minutes. What Is A Non-Distributed System?…
Read MoreMicroservices Explained in 10 Minutes
What are microservices? Services for ants? If you have a Derek Zoolander level working understanding of server systems then don’t worry, we got you covered. Just smile, nod your head occasionally, and “fake it till you make it” – or until this video ends, whatever comes first. This is microservices explained in 10 minutes Most…
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